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What steps to take at home to avoid the dengue mosquito present in 7 regions

What steps to take at home to avoid the dengue mosquito present in 7 regions
What steps to take at home to avoid the dengue mosquito present in 7 regions

The Ministry of Health decreed a health alert for 7 regions of the country due to the presence of Aedes Aegypti: the mosquito that transmits diseases such as yellow fever and dengue. Avoiding open containers of water in the home is one of the measures to prevent breeding.
The regions of Arica, Tarapacá, Antofagasta, Atacama, Coquimbo, Valparaíso and the Metropolitan Region are under a health alert due to the presence of two mosquitoes that transmit diseases.

What steps to take at home to avoid the dengue mosquito present in 7 regions

One of them is the Aedes aegypti, which can transmit diseases such as dengue, Zika and yellow fever. It is a black mosquito with white dots on its body.

According to the World Health Organisation (WHO), the main way to control the transmission of these diseases is to prevent the mosquito vector from breeding.

Aedes aegypti prefers to lay its eggs in artificial containers that hold water (drums, barrels and tyres, mainly) in and around homes, schools and workplaces.

What steps to take at home to avoid the dengue mosquito present in 7 regions

Avoid accumulation of water in outdoor containers (flower pots, bottles, children’s play equipment or other containers that can collect water) so that they do not become breeding sites for mosquitoes.

Properly cover, empty and clean water tanks and reservoirs to keep mosquitoes away.

Avoid accumulating rubbish. Dispose of rubbish in closed plastic bags.

Use personal protective measures such as window screens, repellent and others.