Strona główna zdrowie How do you tell the difference between Covid-19, influenza and a cold?

How do you tell the difference between Covid-19, influenza and a cold?

How do you tell the difference between Covid-19, influenza and a cold?
How do you tell the difference between Covid-19, influenza and a cold?

During the Covid-19 pandemic, a global awareness campaign was conducted to raise awareness about prevention, including symptoms, vaccination schedules and ways of transmission.

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Currently, there are many respiratory viruses in the environment and sometimes a person may not be sure whether they are suffering from Covid-19, influenza or a cold. Care Assistance provides some guidelines to clarify certain doubts.

How do you tell the difference between Covid-19, influenza and a cold?

Although these diseases are caused by different viruses, some of their possible symptoms are similar, such as fever, sore throat, cough, difficulty breathing, runny nose, fatigue, body aches and headache, among others.

How to identify what type of illness it is?
As Care Assistance points out, in the case of Covid 19, these symptoms last longer than in influenza, some of them lasting weeks or months.

In addition, Covid-19 often presents other signs, such as loss of taste and smell.

As for colds, they are usually milder and last less time. Its most common symptoms are sneezing, nasal congestion, coughing, burning in the throat and watery eyes. Fever is usually absent or very low.

Given that we are in the middle of autumn, it is important to take self-care and take certain preventive measures, such as keeping our vaccination plans for influenza and Covid-19 up to date; continuing to use masks in crowded and enclosed spaces; washing our hands frequently; and avoiding crowds.

As for Covid-19, although the number of cases has been decreasing in Mexico, it is important to bear in mind that this is a situation that could change and that new variants of this virus have been appearing from time to time.

If you have been in close contact with someone with this disease or if you are diagnosed, it is essential to make the necessary quarantines and inform your close circle of family and friends, in addition to reporting the case to the health authorities.

With regard to influenza, it is recommended to be vaccinated once a year to prevent this disease.


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