Strona główna rozrywka There is a theory that Steve Jobs is still alive in a...

There is a theory that Steve Jobs is still alive in a cryogenic chamber.


As unusual as it sounds, there is a bizarre theory that Steve Jobs is still alive. Those pushing this story, which sounds more like science fiction than anything else. Say that the Apple genius is frozen in a cryogenic chamber.

Do they have any kind of backing, or did they just watch a lot of Futurama. The creators of this story say that the Apple co-founder’s family members froze his body. To keep his organs intact while they work on a cure for the disease that took his life.

There is a theory that Steve Jobs is still alive in a cryogenic chamber.

Steve Jobs died in October 2011 of pancreatic cancer, which he diagnose with a decade ago. The portal Semana recalls that the businessman reporte his diagnosis in 2004. When predictions of improvement were no longer favourable.

The Internet is an inexhaustible source of scenarios that no one can say are possible. But neither can they be denied. However fanciful they may seem, advances in science and technology always end up surprising us.

There is a theory that Steve Jobs is still alive in a cryogenic chamber.

Where does this unusual theory about Steve Jobs come from?
The above-mentioned portal says that the Internet’s move to claim this madness is base. The lack of knowledge about the whereabouts of Steve Jobs’ remains.

After the death of Apple’s mastermind, family members allowed any kind of media coverage with only one exception: the location of the remains on the day of his posthumous ceremony.

At the time, those closest to him said they did not want Steve Jobs’ grave to become. A tourist site and therefore no one knows where he is buried.

Based on this fact, a group of conspiracy theorists say that his body is waiting for a cure for this type of cancer in order to live on.