Strona główna zdrowie The technology used in the Avatar film that is revolutionising the diagnosis...

The technology used in the Avatar film that is revolutionising the diagnosis of some diseases


The motion-capture suits that bring characters to life in films such as Avatar are helping researchers track the onset of diseases that affect movement.

The new system uses artificial intelligence to analyse body movements.

In tests in research publishe in the journal Nature Medicine. UK experts measured the severity of two genetic disorders twice as fast as doctors with expertise in these conditions.

In many cases, early assessment of such movements makes it easier for the patient to receive appropriate support and treatment.

The technology use in the Avatar film that is revolutionising the diagnosis of some diseases

Researchers say it could also halve the time and cost require to develop new drugs in clinical trials.

Dr Valeria Ricotti, from the Institute of Child Health at London’s Great Ormond Street Hospital. Told the BBC she is „completely blown away by the results”.

„The impact on diagnosis and the development of new drugs for a wide range of diseases could be absolutely enormous,” she added.

Ricotti was part of a group of researchers from Imperial College and London University College. Who spent 10 years developing the new technology. They tested it on patients with Friedreich’s ataxia and Duchenne muscular dystrophy in two separate studies.

The technology use in the Avatar film that is revolutionising the diagnosis of some diseases

The researchers say it could also be use to monitor patients recovering from other diseases that affect movement. These include any condition involving the brain and nervous system. Heart, lungs, muscles, bones and a range of psychiatric disorders.

Monitoring the severity and likely progression of such conditions usually involves measuring. In a clinic the speed and accuracy with which patients perform a series of standardise movements. Such an assessment, vital to determine what support and treatment a patient needs, can take years.