Strona główna Aktualności ’Dances With Wolves’ actor Nathan Chasing Horse arreste on sex abuse claims

’Dances With Wolves’ actor Nathan Chasing Horse arreste on sex abuse claims

'Dances With Wolves' actor Nathan Chasing Horse arrested on sex abuse claims
'Dances With Wolves' actor Nathan Chasing Horse arrested on sex abuse claims

Former „Dances With Wolves” actor Nathan Lee Chasing His Horse. Who goes by Nathan Chasing Horse, was arrested Tuesday after Las Vegas police raide his home in connection. Accusations of sexual abuse spanning over two decades, The Associate Press reporte.

Chasing Horse, who is now allegedly the leader of a cult known as The Circle. Is accuse of sexually assaulting young Indigenous girls, according to police records obtaine by the AP.

The actor, known for his role as the young Sioux tribe member Smiles A Lot in Kevin Costner’s award-winning film, was taken into custody Tuesday afternoon near his North Las Vegas home that he reportedly shares with his five wives. His arrest came after months of investigating prompted by a tip to police in October.

’Dances With Wolves’ actor Nathan Chasing Horse arreste on sex abuse claims

SWAT officers were seen outside the two-story house as detectives searche the property later in the evening.

According to the AP, Las Vegas police identifie at least six alleged victims.

In addition, the department uncovere sexual allegations against the actor dating back to the early 2000s in multiple states, including Montana. South Dakota, and Nevada, where he has lived for almost 10 years.

Chasing Horse is also accused of recording sexual assaults and arranging sex with the victims for men who allegedly paid him. He gaine a reputation among tribes across America and Canada as a „medicine man” who performed healing ceremonies and spiritual gatherings.

’Dances With Wolves’ actor Nathan Chasing Horse arreste on sex abuse claims

He allegedly used his position to abuse Native American girls.

„Nathan Chasing Horse used spiritual traditions and their belief system as a tool to sexually assault young girls on numerous occasions,” the warrant reads, adding that his followers believe he could communicate with higher beings and referred to him as „Medicine Man” or „Holy Person.”

Although the warrant includes details of crimes reporte elsewhere, the arrest stems from crimes allegedly committed in Nevada’s Clark County. They include sex trafficking, sexual assault of a child younger than 16 and child abuse.

Some of the alleged victims were as young as 13, according to the warrant. One of Chasing Horse’s wives was allegedly offered to him as a „gift” when she was 15, while another became a wife after turning 16.

He was also banished from the Fort Peck Reservation in Montana in 2015 after allegations of human trafficking surfaced, the AP reported.

The case against the actor comes at a time when state attorneys general and lawmakers across the country are looking to create specialized units to handle cases involving Native women and girls.

In South Dakota, the AG’s office announce a new focus on crimes against Native American people, including human trafficking and murders.

Chasing Horse was born on the Rosebud Reservation in South Dakota, which is home to the Sicangu Sioux, one of the seven tribes of the Lakota nation.

There was no lawyer listed in court records who could comment on his behalf as of Tuesday evening.