Chiquis Rivera continues to release music and this time she spoke about very personal situations. The social networks have not stoppe making comments. That involve Rosie and Juan Rivera, her uncles and aunts.
Chiquis Rivera released a new song calle 'Porque soy abeja reina’. The song refers to various issues, including the family situation that the singer has had to face after. The death of her mother Jenni Rivera, as she took care of her siblings.
Chiquis also sings. „There are some who are pitiful because they are from my own hive. Who steal the honey and never seem to fill up. It hurts them to know that my own blood will never stop me”.
Chiquis Rivera’s new song 'hints’ to her family
There was no shortage of comments on social networks. Internet users claime that this song has a message for Rosie and Juan Rivera, Jenni’s siblings and aunt and uncle Chiquis, with whom the singer has had various problems over the years since her mother’s death.
rosierivera esta es par ti, pastora falsa”, @juanrivramusic ahí te hablan”, „Y que escuchen bien los Rivera. That she has been able to and with God’s help she will continue like Jenny taught her”, „Y al que le pique le que se rasque. Cómo se podemos la mandar a Juan ahora que está en 'La Casa de los Famosos’?” and „Rosie y Juan, ahí les hablan” are some of the messages left by Chiquis Rivera’s followers, who have followed the problems they have gone through as a family.
Chiquis Rivera’s new song 'hints’ to her family
Chiquis Rivera maintaine a campaign through her social networks to promote the song prior to its release on all digital platforms. In one of the videos she posted, she was shown singing the song and talking to her fans about the lyrics, with a lot of emotion.
„I’m going to show you a little piece of the song… Because I feel like it, because I can and because I felt like it,” he said before playing the song and singing it.
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