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Elon Musk fires engineer for telling him he’s not so popular on Twitter anymore

Elon Musk fires engineer for telling him he's not so popular on Twitter anymore
Elon Musk fires engineer for telling him he's not so popular on Twitter anymore

Elon Musk has 128.5 million followers on Twitter, but his tweets only reach a small percentage of those people. That’s why Twitter’s owner called a meeting to address the issue with several engineers.

One of them explained what happene because of the billionaire’s falling popularity.

According to Platformer, his response was immediate You’re fire.

Since acquiring the blue bird social network last November, Musk has implemente a multitude of changes. One of them was the public view counter. Which allows you to see the number of impressions each tweet has had.

Elon Musk fires engineer for telling him he’s not so popular on Twitter anymore

Twitter is more alive than it looks, as more than 90 per cent of Twitter users read, but don’t tweet, reply or 'like’, as those are public actions,” the tycoon said. However.

The results, at least on his account, were not as expected. It is worth remembering that, a few days ago.

Musk set his profile to private for a whole day as. A way of testing whether his private posts were seen more than if they were in public mode.

After the experiment, he reported that this had serve to identify some problems that would fixe as soon as possible.

Elon Musk fires engineer for telling him he’s not so popular on Twitter anymore

Most of our time is spent in three main areas: putting out fires. Mostly cause by firing the wrong people and trying to recover from that), doing impossible tasks.

Improving efficiency’ without clear guidelines as to what the expecte results are. For the most part, we go from one fire to the next,” one worker told Pltaformer.

There are times when Musk wakes up in the middle of the night and says. All sorts of things that don’t make sense,” says another employee.

Then he might tell us that a certain person can’t do something on the platform. Then we have to run off to investigate a specific atypical use case.

It doesn’t make any sense. According to the media, many employees believe that Musk „needs to admit. In which areas he just doesn’t know things and let the people who do know take over”.

However, this is not likely to happen any time soon.